Constitution & By-Laws



 Note: italics are comments added by the editor for clarification.

Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the Tallahassee Stamp and Cover Club.

(Herein known as TS&CC)

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this Club is to promote all facets of Philately including but not limited to the collection of stamps, covers, and postal history. The activities are educational and limited to those permitted by section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article III: Membership

Section 1.

Membership shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the purpose of TS&CC.

Section 2.

There shall be three classifications of membership:

A. Junior - members 17 years of age and younger.

B. Senior Citizen - members 65 years of age and older.

C. Other - members 18 years of age through 64 years of age.

Section 3.

All members, regardless of classification, shall enjoy the same rights,

responsibilities and privileges.

Section 4.

Membership may be denied or revoked if said person partakes in unbecoming conduct (including but not limited to the alteration of stamps or covers with the intent to defraud and failure to pay for or return items requested.) This action requires the recommendation of the Executive Committee and a two-thirds vote by secret ballot of voting members.

Article IV: Dues

Section 1.

There shall be a one time registration fee to join TS&CC. It shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the voting members.

Section 2.

There shall be an annual dues assessed each member. It shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the voting members.

Section 3.

Annual Dues shall be payable beginning April 1 of each year January 1 for the ensuing 12 months.

(Changed by unanimous vote of members present at the July 2009 meeting.)

Section 4.

Annual Dues shall be considered delinquent if not paid my May 1 April 1 of each year.  Members whose dues are not paid by June 1 of each year shall have their membership revoked.

(Changed by unanimous vote of members present at the July 2009 meeting.)

Article V: Officers

Section 1.

There shall be four officers: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  These officers shall make up the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

Each Officer shall perform those duties which are historically appropriate to their position.

The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act as managers of all TS&CC activities and to conduct all business on behalf of TS&CC.

Section 3.

Term of office for all officers shall be for one year for an unlimited number of terms beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. (Modified by unanimous vote of those attending the December 2005 meeting.)

Section 4.

An officer may be removed from office for unbecoming conduct. (To include but not limited to failure to carry out his/her assigned duties in a responsible manner, misrepresentation of the TS&CC to its members, the public, or any other philatelic organization. Removal requires recommendation by the Executive Committee and a two-thirds vote by secret ballot of voting members. Removal from office does not constitute revocation of membership.

Article VI: Elections

Section 1. Elections shall be held during the December regular meeting.

Section 2. Each member shall have one vote per office.

Section 3. Officers are elected by a simple majority vote cast in secret ballot.

Article VII: Quorum and Amendments

Section 1. At regular scheduled meetings, there shall be no minimum quorum to conduct TS&CC business or activities.

Section 2. All voting, unless otherwise stated, shall be by simple majority.

Section 3. Amendments to the Constitution shall require a minimum of one meeting advanced notice and a two-thirds majority vote by voting members.

Article VIII: Dissolution

Section 1. Upon dissolution of the TS&CC all net assets shall be transferred to the American Philatelic Research Library.